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About us


Open Our Mind, Decorate Your Life

Company Overview

Etcokei is committed to providing high-quality products and services for each customer. Our extensive inventory offers a variety of options like bow makers and kitchen organizer for you to choose from. We have an excellent team. We open our minds to create more innovative and professional products for you.

Our Mission:

Open Our Mind, Decorate Your Life

Our Merits:

Professional Team: Service team, design team, engineer team, quality control team, and sales team

Innovation Gene: Open our minds to designing an innovative product, engineer design the mold, QC team monitor the product quality

Sharing: Encourage every Etcokei people to create more ideas and improve the quality of the product continuously

OPen-minded: Attract more designers to become partners to build more useful and interesting products


Buyer Policy
Your rights and obligations as a buyer on Amazon

Etcokeionline is a place where you can buy products
directly from the Amazon store. Selling handmade 
products, vintage goods, and craft supplies, we all hope 
you have a positive shopping experience on Etcokeionline.
Read on to learn more about your rights and what you 
expect of yourself as a buyer.

Privacy Policy
Our privacy practices for our site and other services

We are very concerned about privacy. We believe in
transparency, and we are committed to being honest 
about our privacy practices, including how we handle
your personal information. We know that you also care 
about your privacy, so we provide settings to allow you
to choose how you use certain information.On Amazon,
we ask that members respect each other's privacy and
personal information.
Don’t publicly post another member's personal information
without their explicit consent, and please use discretion
in disclosing your own personal information.  

Examples of personal information:
Full names
Home or other physical addresses
Email or other online contact information
Telephone numbers
Credit card numbers
Tax identification numbers (social security, etc)
The content of a private email or message to another
member or Amazon employee
Private information in listings
If you believe that an Amazon listing includes your private
information, you may report this using Amazon’s site-wide
reporting tool.


7-day full refund for any reason by returning

Lifetime service, quick response and effective

Fees & Payments Policy
Fees, taxes, and how to pay them

The policy was released on Oct 1, 2021 and will 
take effect on Dec 23, 2021. 
The previous version of this policy can be viewed 
here.This policy is part of our terms of use. Purchasing 
products through the website means that you agree 
to this policy and our terms of use.
1.Types of fee
2.Amazon payment

Shipping Policy
Understanding your shipping obligations and your 
rights and responsibilities when using Amazon shipping 
labels services.

We provide Amazon shipping service, which makes
it easierto deliver our items to buyers quickly and safely. 
This transportation policy explains our transportation 
obligations and your rights and-responsibilities when  using the transportation label service.

Contact us:
E-mail: Etcokeishopus@outlook.com
Tel: +86 18171039233